Ready or Not... they come! Another school year kicks off on Monday! This 2007-08 school year we once again welcome our returning and new postsecondary, ACE, and technical high school students!
Though pencils
will still (undoubtedly) be around, our faculty are armed with new technology tools to inspire learning. Trained in blogs & RSS (Real Simple Syndication), wikis, unitedstreaming, PowerPoint, eInstruction clickers, and Photo Story 3, teachers are moving forward to use their strengths in the classroom environments. Discovering and sharing our positive teaching attributes and thinking about the 21st century skills our students need in our professional learning communities is a great springboard for further conversations. The support and comraderie amongst the faculty this past week of inservice sessions has been awesome. I can't wait to see it translated to their courses!
Contributing to the collaborative environment is the solid foundation of our fearless leader who jumped into the read/write web world with both feet (and survived I might add!). She gently nudges us to think and grow on a regular basis, despite all of the other pressures for which she must cope!
It is going to be a FANTASTIC year!
Photo credit to pencilpusher143's pencils on Flickr
Though pencils

Contributing to the collaborative environment is the solid foundation of our fearless leader who jumped into the read/write web world with both feet (and survived I might add!). She gently nudges us to think and grow on a regular basis, despite all of the other pressures for which she must cope!
It is going to be a FANTASTIC year!
Photo credit to pencilpusher143's pencils on Flickr
Labels: change, communication, Professional development, tools, web 2.0
Awesome, indeed! Despite the long hours, heavy lifting and hard work, I look back on last week inspired, motivated and ready to tally ho. It's a great balance on our campus, and the phenomenal leadership nurtures such an environment. Thanks!
Singing Fat Girl, at 8/19/2007 5:05 PM
I'm so proud and excited about the way we kicked off the year with our teachers this year... and I know that as long as we can keep the energy and effort going, it will pay enormous dividends for our students. Thank you for your contributions to the week, and for serving as a model for many - including me! - about the need for continued learning, growth, and excitement.
Jeanette Johnson, at 8/19/2007 9:49 PM
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