With the ubiquitous text messages flowing between student cell phones, here's a tool that can be put to constructive use. Oh, don't forget schedules text message reminders. Students can remind themselves of an upcoming research project deadline by simply adding their cell phone number, date and time, and the text message and voila, a message is queued up for you! Teachers can send reminders of upcoming quizzes, though multiple messaging appears to be labor-intensive...so best to teach students the "how to DIY".
Note: This is a free service, but regular text message fees from your service provider still apply!
photo credit to Jeff Hutton on flickr
Labels: cellphones, communication, reminders, textmessage, tools
Hello Ms coleman,
This is regarding the question that you asked;how is my story similar to, and different from the
character in the Dew Breaker?
Well,I think my story is very similar to the character in the Dew Breaker,in the sense that both
of us have lived in Haiti for a number of years.We pretty much have
same ethnic backgrounds,and we both
immigrated in the US.However my story is quite distinguishable when
compared to the character in the Dew Breaker.Our conceptions of the
USA are totally different.One of the major dissimilarities is our comfort levels;she seemed to be uncomfortable and bored compared to me who got really comfortable in
the first couple days.She'd spend
weeks inside,worried that she'd get
lost if she ventured out alone.
Anonymous, at 7/25/2007 1:22 PM
Hey Marie,
Someone started a game of tag online and you're it. It's pretty cool. Check it out on my blog at:
Karen, at 8/11/2007 10:27 PM
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