Process of Change

We don’t experience the typical change of seasons here in
st-taking as a signal for learning. School is the place to be educated. The rite of graduation ceremony is the measure of success. So what if the learning is merely rote and a transformation really hasn’t occurred? What loss is there when little reflection, problem-solving, interdisciplinary collaboration, or relevance is present?
Change is tough…and it’s intimidating – often even downright scary! Change is also critical to greet the future. Jason Dehne, a finance buyer, creates his own work schedule and location (and he is joined by 70% of his Best Buy corporate colleagues) – “Work is something you do. It’s not a place you go to.” (What Works: Letting Employees Choose, NBC Nightly News, March 15, 2007). Will our students be prepared to do this? Do they view learning as something to do and not just a product of school? Are we modeling lifelong learning, adaptation to change, continuous improvement with our students?
I keep these questions in mind as a constant reminder – as a way to not settle for the mainstream. Though the process is slow, forward movement is a prerequisite! Be the river, not the rock...
PHOTO CREDITS: Fall Leaves by alykat, untitled by jakeliefer, and River in Mostar by burge5000
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