Off the Shelf 0607-8

Alt Ed
By Catherine Atkins
© 2003
My recommendation: 4 out of 5 stars
Labels: 2006 FL Teen Read, Book review
My recommendation: 4 out of 5 stars
Labels: 2006 FL Teen Read, Book review
Brian's Winter
By Gary Paulsen
© 2002
Submitted by Bob Dallmann, LWIT Coordinator – Workforce Education Programs & Technology
Labels: Book review
By Heather Lehr Wagner
© 2002
I chose to read “People at Odds,ISRAEL AND THE ARAB WORLD” because I lived a part of my life in this region. I was born in
Conflict escalated as
From 1952 to 1967,
Golda Meir, a 70 year old Jewish Russian woman became the new Prime Minister. She attempted to create more Jewish settlements .In 1973,
From 1980 to 1993 several skirmishes ensued between
The Peace process has since suffered many setbacks. In 1998, President Clinton mediated another peace deal between the Arabs and
For now the Arab World and the State of Israel are still fighting for territory in the
My recommendation: 4 out of 5 stars
Submitted by Magda Assaad, LWIT Counselor
Labels: Book review, Nonfiction
So Yesterday
By Scott Westerfeld
© 2004
Well, I think it’s cool, but I’m not sure…
So Yesterday is a story about a teenager named Hunter, who works for a company identifying hot trends in advertising, music, and products. Hunter is a Trendsetter – the second highest type of person on the “Cool Pyramid.” At the top are the Innovators; after the Trendsetters come the Early Adopters, then the Consumers, and finally the Laggards. He gets caught up in a mystery when his boss goes missing at the same time that Hunter discovers the coolest shoes he’s ever seen… and then he gets dragged into a world that may or may not be real, in which he may or may not be in danger.
Along the way, this very entertaining and cleverly-written thriller has a lot to say about status symbols, peer pressure, how trends are born and die, and how corporations manipulate all that in an attempt to sell more product. Hunter and his friends are smart, and smart-alecky, intelligent and sarcastic – in a word, cool. And that makes the book cool.
At least, I think it’s cool – but then, I’m just a Consumer, so maybe I’m not a good one to judge…
* 2006
My recommendation: 4 out of 5 stars
Submitted by Jeanette Johnson, LWTHS & LWIT Principal
Labels: 2006 FL Teen Read, Book review