A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the World
By Daniel H. Pink
© 2005
Non-fiction, professional, and outcome-oriented, this book is likely not interesting to the high school student audience – but its content will impact them! Teachers, parents and adult students will take note of Pink’s predicted changes for the future. The introduction sets the stage:
We are moving from an economy and society built on the logical, linear, computerlike capabilities of the Information Age to an economy and a society built on the inventive, empathetic, big-picture capabilities of what’s rising in its place, the Conceptual Age.
Pink’s style of writing is informational, yet conversational. He familiarizes the reader with the left-brain/right-brain concepts and posits his ideas about the need for balance of the two in the Conceptual Age. Focusing on the “high touch” aspects of the right-brain, he outlines six essential senses needed to survive and succeed:
- Design – in addition to the left-brained notion of function, it is important to consider creative and eye-appealing design,
- Story – weaving a convincing story will be the counterpart to today’s persuasive arguments of information and data,
- Symphony – Pink describes symphony as synthesis and “big picture” – balanced with analysis and specialization,
- Empathy – although logic is important, the ability to understand, build and nurture relationships will be key,
- Play – balanced with seriousness is the need to laugh, play and have fun,
- Meaning – living our lives with purposes other than material goods!
As an educator, I found Pink’s ideas to be thought-provoking and his suggested activities realistic. Many can be inspirational for approaching instructional lessons in the classroom and in the hands-on laboratories. Although emphasizing “high touch,” the characteristics impact our ‘technical’ world, as well.
My recommendation: 5 out of 5 stars
Submitted by M. Coleman, Media Specialist
Labels: Book review, Professional development