A Balancing Act
Reflecting on the commemoration of September 17th 1787, two hundred and nineteen years ago, when the Constitution of the United States was signed by convention delegates, I am awed by the continued balance between our three governmental branches (executive, legislative, and judicial). This foundation allows for continued conversation to best interpret the needs for both liberty and order, for both unity and diversity, and for both individual rights and national responsibilities - often seen as oppositional. Those conflicts are not usually “black and white” in nature, nor do they elicit a definitive answer. They are a process for which to contend, born within the ever-changing environment and forces of life.
Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor. - Arnold Toynbee
We continually
strive for the state of equilibrium in all aspects of our lives, though the successful end product is often somewhat elusive. Teaching our students to best navigate the obstacles of life requires both guidance for the desired path and latitude for potential letdown. The internet offers an array of knowledge opportunities for living and for learning - it also masks hidden dangers. Parents, teachers and other mentors are responsible for helping students navigate the internet for the nourishing morsels of knowledge, for alerting students to the ethical responsiblities of the 'information highway', and for coping with unexpected and possibly unsolicited networking conversations. Though most adults wouldn't think of giving the car keys to a teenager without some driving instruction, the computer and its internet connectivity are provided without education or conversation.
In a future post, I will recommend some tips for effective digital citizenship; but, for now, I would encourage discussion with our students. Opening the door for that communication will provide an element of trust, one of the first ingredients for creating and maintaining harmony. One extreme or the other of most continuums is usually not a healthy solution, but 'the balancing act' can illuminate many viable passageways!
photo by ghewgill at flickr
Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor. - Arnold Toynbee
We continually

In a future post, I will recommend some tips for effective digital citizenship; but, for now, I would encourage discussion with our students. Opening the door for that communication will provide an element of trust, one of the first ingredients for creating and maintaining harmony. One extreme or the other of most continuums is usually not a healthy solution, but 'the balancing act' can illuminate many viable passageways!
photo by ghewgill at flickr
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